The nursing home one

The digital nursing home. 

The idea of designing and implementing a blueprint of a digitalized nursing home.

The better way

from Person to Person


intelligently used.

The Project

Nursing Home One

The aim is to create a blueprint of a “digital nursing home” – Nursing Home One – based on the Motel One concept.

The courage to break new ground is apparently lacking in this area! And yes, there is still no “proof of concept” that a digitised nursing home actually has positive economic, organisational and nursing effects.

Digitalisation in the care of the elderly and the elderly has been much discussed but has never been implemented in a structured form. There are only isolated attempts in small approaches.

What is needed

What is needed are innovators and comrades-in-arms who dare and want to implement such a concept – even without special state programmes and additional refinancing. Only in the belief that many positive effects can be expected.

we want to do it!

Something must be done in the area of care for the elderly and the elderly.

The Thesis

Economic efficiency

A digital nursing home can work much more economically than a conventionally structured nursing home. This opens up many additional “investment” opportunities in actual care.


Digital solutions can support everyday tasks and thus create space for human care!


Care that is “transparent” for relatives relieves the nursing staff, as unnecessary communication via telephone etc. can be eliminated.


Economy – Digitalization makes it possible to achieve a higher benefit for a nursing home from the fixed nursing rates.


A digital nursing home can survive more easily in the future competition for nursing staff.


A caregiver who is relieved in many areas (documentation and monitoring) can provide much better care: The real meaning of their work!

The Challenge

Competitive pressure

Shortage of nursing staff  → Competitive pressure in personnel work.

Cost pressure

Additional income hardly possible due to capped nursing rates.


More and more caring relatives want or have to give up home care.

Analog versus digital

The current “analogous structure” in nursing homes cannot meet these challenges!

Demographic development

Due to demographic developments, 3,000 – 5,000 new nursing homes will have to be built in Germany by 2030.

The way

Digital Documentation

Documentation support for nursing, medicine and care; information-supported automated billing.

Patient Monitoring

Solutions to support resident health status monitoring.


Interfaces between all systems in documentation and medical monitoring to facilitate the documentation activities around the residents.

Digital Resident / Patient file

It’s always on the patient: pre-existing conditions, medication, allergies, vaccinations, care.

Video Consultation System

No way and quick treatment instructions possible – E prescription.


Digital "Little Helpers”

Fall prevention, light guidance systems (path to the toilet), monitoring of patients at risk of escape, incontinence, etc.

The Target

Digitisation is not an end in itself, it should facilitate and improve care, digitisation where it makes sense.


Technological support for nursing and medical tasks creates transparency for all parties involved.


Patient care documentation provides all participants with the same level of information.



Monitoring and control of health parameters through digital aids creates scope for better care.


Transparency creates security and facilitates communication between all persons involved in care.

Digitization used intelligently

Digitization in nursing means more than just robots: technology can support workflows and will sometimes change them. We see change as an opportunity and not as a risk.

Relatives/ Resident

Relatives are offered new means of communication that keep them well informed at all times. Residents are looked after by all instances.

  • Good uncomplicated flow of information
  • Integration into health care and treatment provision
  • A “good feeling” that the relative is safe.

Nursing Staff

Nurses are enabled to keep patients constantly in view with the help of digital aids. Modern working atmosphere using digital possibilities appeals to young nurses.

  • Less stress
  • Better overview
  • Better care
  • Satisfied caregiver

Medical Staff/ Doctors/ Hospital

Therapy documentation is accessible to all parties (with permission of the patient). So everyone has the same level of knowledge.

  • Faster and safer treatment and medication
  • Easier coordination of treatment concepts

Nursing Home Operator

  • Market pioneer
  • Easy scaling/ mulitplication of the conept for nursing home new buildings
    à „plug and play“
  • Greater economic efficiency
  • Evaluation of implementation strategies for existing nursing homes

About us

We want to do it

Our Vision

Digital technology is changing society. The aim is to make consistent and positive use of the possibilities offered by digitalisation for nursing and medical tasks.

Digitization in nursing means more than just robots: technology can support workflows and will sometimes change them. We see change as an opportunity and not as a risk.

GTMHC Digital Care has set itself the goal of becoming the leading provider of digital, cross-sector and networked care concepts in Germany and beyond.


Our Mission

As idealists, experts and designers, we want to work intelligently with care institutions to open up the possibilities of digitisation.

 The digital nursing home can work much more economically than a conventionally structured nursing home. This opens up many additional “investment” possibilities in actual care.

 Digitisation is not an end in itself; it is intended to facilitate and improve care; digitisation where it makes sense!


Our competencies

  • Innovative strength
  • Idealism and creative power
  • Process orientation
  • Technological competence
  • The will to change something







Contact via Mail

Why should you contact us?

Well, we are idealists and experts in equal measure. We want to create something new in and for care. If idealists, experts and designers are good partners from your point of view, just contact us.

Please contact us:

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GTMHC Digital Care GmbH

Our interdisciplinary team consists of experts in nursing, affected relatives, physicians, technology and digitization specialists. And: We understand something about processes.

So we know the wishes, worries and needs of the stakeholders concerned.

Care not only to think differently and anew, but also to “make” – this is our passion.


GTMHC Digital Care GmbH